Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ah..nothing like the morning routine

By morning, mind you, I mean any time I wake up! So today my "morning routine" took place at 12:00 pm. I find it funny that no matter what time it is, I still do the same thing when first waking up. I doubt any of you are much different. How many people wake up at noon and want a burger and fries? Not me. I want cereal. Or eggs and bacon. Or this morning, "porridge".

My morning begins with swallowing two NutriFeron vitamins that my boyfriend's mom gave me, then venturing downstairs. I perform my daily hygiene activities, then it's into the kitchen with my kitty (who is not allowed downstairs but Daddy is at work by now). I fill up my 2.2 liter water bottle (a full recommended 8 glasses in one bottle!) and dilute into it 2 tablespoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. During this I also down a BodyMint tablet, a vitamin D tablet, and a generic children's vitamin called "Zippy Zoo" (yes I am a vitamin junkie). Some days I'll throw in an Iron tablet for good measure. I'll then begin boiling water on the stove for tea primarily (if I don't eat cereal that morning, I'll use it for oatmeal or something.)

This morning I made a pleasant cup of Rainforest Lemon Myrtle Yerba Green Tea (which tastes like a fresh green strand of lemongrass) and a hot bowl of porridge(my recipe below). I take immense pleasure in the little things, which I'm sure someone's already written a book about.

After all that it's usually time to either go to school, work, or on the best days, sit at home!

Mook's Porridge Recipe
the favorite of Baby Bear and Goldilocks

1/2 cup of grits

1/2 cup of oats

Butter, to taste

Sugar, to taste

Optional: Fresh blueberries and chopped dates

Instructions: pour boiling water over mixture, stir and enjoy immensely.

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